Hi friends,
here is my home-made kit of ATmega32 microcontroller interfacing. The ATmega32 controller is rich with features like onboard 32kB in-System programmable flash, 1 KB EEPROM, 2KB SRAM, 10bit ADC (8 channel), SPI bus inteface, TWI (compatible with I2C bus) interface, an USART, analog comparator, etc. That's why I've selected it to load my kit with all those features.
This M32 card is having an LCD inteface with contrast adjustment, an RS232 port for connecting with PC, a connector for 8 analog voltage inputs to measure by ADC, a Real Time Clock IC DS1307 from maxim with battery back-up, four general purpose keys, two keys for generating interrupts and an LED.
The circuit can be powered by an easily available 12v DC adapter. The voltage regulator IC 7805 used to convert the input into regulated 5v supply.
See below the kit in powered on condition and the schematic (click to enlarge the images)

The PCB is completely home-made, using the etching technique with the Ferric Chloride chemical. If you want to know how to make a PCB yourself from your layout, visit following webpage, it's really helpful:
The schematic and layout of the M32_card shown here are prepared using EAGLE. It's a single layer board for making the home-preparation easy. Check out the bottom layer and the layouts in the pics below:
The software for the ATmega32 controller is written using imageCraft AVR compiler. The software contains code for LCD interface, use of RTC and communication with PC with RS232 port. Using the Hyper terminal in windows, the functionality of the kit can be checked, as I've mentioned in my previous post of RTC_EEPROM interface with ATmega128.
Sown below are the pics of RTC circuit in test and related screen shot of the hyper terminal while interacting with the M32_Card

Here is Proteus ISIS Simulation:
The complete source code files including new addition of ADC (check out Here) can be downloaded below.
Source code
PCB files (in PDF & EAGLE formats)

1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»Hi
Wonderful work keep it up!
Nice to meet u.
Avinash Gupta
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your comment!!
Great job.
Thanks for the post.
Thanks Sameer!!
i need some help for schematic and pcb layout to definal_df@telkom.net
thank you for all
Hi 'definal',
I'll be sending you the schematic and pcb layout files along with the PDFs on your mail.
Thanks & regards!
cool post.
Could you direct me to where i can buy the pcb and chemicals in chennai.
Hi phoenix,
PCBs (or Copper Plates) are available in Ritchie Street vendors of electronics components.
I didn't buy the etchant from Chennai, but for getting it, visit any chemical shop which supplies chemicals to school and college laboratories, normally they have it, and seeing the number of schools and colleges here, I'm sure there will be plenty of them here!!
Hi my name tomy.that great job.i will try it.can you give me for schematic and pcb layout to tomykus@yahoo.com
thanks before...
Ho Tomy,
I've sent the pcb files on your mail id. Check it out.
good work keep it up !! i want schematic and pCb files i want to make it please send me on my id humera87@gmail.com
thank you
Hi humera,
Thanks! I've sent the files to your id. try it out!
Hi dharmani,
Firstly, I want to thank you for sharing your views and ideas its really very interesting to work on ..I have knowledge on PCB etching..Even i want to try out this starter kit. can you please mail me schematic and PCB layout and some related documents to my mail id: m.sonyjoice@gmail.com, and also can you please send me the source code using CodeVisionAVR as I'm not comfortable in using ICCAVR.
Thanks in Advance.
Hi Sony,
I've sent you the pcb files and the source code in ICCAVR format.
Also, I've sent you the ADC project files converted into CodeVision to show that it's really easy to port code from ICCAVR to CodeVision. You can check it out and try to convert the m32 board source code.
If any problem, you can ask here.
This is actually exactly what I have been looking for. I am planning to connect a SHT11-Sensor from Sensirion and build a raptile-tank-controller. Could you please send me the schematic and the layout-file?
My email-address is jan-claas.boehmke@gmx.de
Kindest regards,
Hi jaan-class,
nice project!!
I've sent you the pcb files.
Best of luck!!
Hi Dharmani. I've just started working with ATmega 32. Could you please send me the schematic and the layout-file? Beforehand thank you very much.
Sorry)) My? e-mail
Nice thing
will probably add a pwm thingy too
Can u gimme the layout
email: knapshots@gmail.com
im new in this thing n my lect asignt me a project using ATmega16,keypad(with LCD),SD(storage)..
can u help me about it expcialy bout the interfacing n coding.im totaly out of idea.hehe
Hi dharmani,
Please mail
pdf to neyvelivisu@gmail.com
to timonvlad and amar:
sorry for the delay guys, I've sent you the files.
to software-links:
I'v sent you pdf and eagle files., as the pcb is having three jumper wires (due to single layer), which are visible only in the eagle layout file.
Hi!i was looking for a development board to interface and program ATMEGA32 with LCD,KEYPAD ,AND SENSOR.can u please send me the PCB layout and schematic details to my email id:meena1pearl@gmail.com
Hi pearl, i've sent you the files! check them out!
Hi Dharmani. I've just started working with ATmega 32. Could you please send me the schematic and the layout-file? Beforehand thank you very much.
Hi PeetTong, I've sent u the files!
I am vinod .. i m making caller ID using IC 89c2051,CM8870 & comprator circuit.....sir plz semd me souce code.
Thank you,
With regards
vinod patil,Indore
Dear sir,
i am vinod patil,yesterday i received source code for caller ID.
so, i want to say thank you very much for your reply.
sir, i also need souce code for LCD interfacing to IC89c51.
kindly request to plz send me this souce code also.
thank you,
with regards
vinod patil,indore
can u tell me about the solder mask and which chemical to use for tinning
so far I've not applied solder mask or tinning on my pcb. I directly solder on the copper pads. Though I haven't faced any problem ,I'd too like to apply them for giving a professional look to PCB. But right now I'm not able to get them in my local market. Whenever I try it successfully, I'll put it up on the blog!
kindly upload the hex file in rar format
Hi Abhi,
while downloading the hex file, save it as text file, rather than .html file. after saving it, change the extension from .txt to .hex
Hi Mr Dharmani,
First of all great job man!!!It is very professional PCBs and boards....
So can you send me to my mail...
Thanks man!!
find the files in your mail!!
i am making a project on speed control of dc motor using pwm technology using atmega 16 and also i am connecting a lcd of single line display could you please sentd me code for the same as i have to submit my project in one weeks time and now that i am in a deep trouble as i am not having acode for the project
plz mail me the code as soon as possible at manugupta37@gmail.com
Hi manu,
I can help you in a better way if you tell me what you've completed so far, like the schematic or part of the code which you've done. Send the info to my mail: ccd@dharmanitech.com
great post for atmega32
but can i gt details on for atmega8 huh... how to make homemade kit for this to program for my robotics projets..
thans in advance!!
plz mail full details to
u hv done great job... dear i m working on Atmega32 interface with parallel port using pong prog... can u send me files that tell me how to bais Atmega 32 and how its interfacing works..
my email is
For understanding the atmega32 interfacing, the best document is the datasheet!! Just go thru it once, you'll get a better picture!
Hi Dharmani!!
My name is Anbe. I've just started working with Atmega mcu. ( Only on test boad). I really want to make a real project - my first project too.
Can you give me this schematic, pcb layout and the code C, please??? Thank you very much for this help.
Have a nice day.
P/s: My email: ngocan88@gmail.com
you are my hero!!!!
Hey, Thanks man!!
thank u DUDE
But a little problem
I Cant See the Schematic Picture in the top of the window
Actually this one is linked to nowhere for me
coul you plz send me the schematic file by mail or what?
mehran (dott) salehi (aatt) yahoo (dott) com
info (AAAAT) MESA (DOTT) ir
Coul you please send me the realated file (like project file and pcb layout and a few more detail )
you know im a new guy an AVR world
i'll try to translate your project to persian after i make it and then put it in my website with your name and orginal links
have a good time with AVR
Hi, man!
Deal, you can put up the project on your blog! But you made a mistake, you didn't give me your mail id!! ;)
To mehran: I've just send you the enlarged view image of the schematic.
sorry dude
im the same guy (mehran)
i just forget to put my mail address again in other post
i can translate documents in Persian an put them in my website/Forum ( its under Construction)
but it may be take time becuse i'm busy on Exams
by the way send me ralated Documents
Have a Nice Time
and be suscess
Nice idea and very useful. I'm trying to make phoenix-hexapod-like project :).
Can you please send me the component list (part numbers) for your project?
(sleek_sleek2003 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Hi man,
Great job,can you send me the schematic and pcb layout to
vknr76@yahoo.com. For PCB drilling
what type of drilling machine can be used,can u tell where i can get it in chennai,
Thanks & regards
Hello there, same request please. Could you send the project related files to wat3rfall2003 (at) yahoo.co.uk ? Thank you very much. Any chance one could interface another LCD than the one stated? I was thinking I have a broken Sony CDX-GT20 with the LCD and front panel intact. I also have the service manual for the CDX-GT2XX series.
i, Gud Work, Could you please tell me what tool you use to generate the schematic.
Hi, I use EAGLE for schematics. You can download it from here:
hi, do you have source code in codevisionavr? i need for my project..please transfer to sahid.achmadi@gmail.com..thank's
Awesome work ...thank you very much for posting your work.
can u plz send me schematic and layout files for the this project.
my id is...
Hi friend,
Congratulations on a job very well done.
Please send me the complete project to:
Meanwhile, I am trying to make a controller/driver for a 2 axis cnc which is like making holes every 0.5 mm on a 3x4 meter surface. Which needs like 100 meg of ram to hold the pattern! How can I add that ram to this board also to include L297 & L298 for the PWM part utilizing 6 wire stepper motors.
Thanking you in advance for your kind help.
BTW, I already have a board(which I purchased $40) that is very similar to yours only it also has a L298 in addition to the ATMEGA32L PU8, a 4x4 keyboard a small Stepper attached and rs232 + a relay etc.
I can send you a pic of the front and the rear if you like?
Can you tell me how to change it's program so it would interface to PC utilizing my interface rather than the simple one it came with?
Hi again,
Regarding having a huge memory in any embedded system I found the following link. Can you please explain how it could a MicroSD be interfaced with your card?
It says an SPI can be utilized but yours has 6 pin and this needs 7?
Hi, for downloading schematic and code for microSd card interface with ATmega8/32, visit my post:
would it be a big change in code if we want to display options on lcd and not on hyperterminal????
Hi CC Dharmani,
As I live in Australia, can you please provide me with compatible parts list(also schematics) for creating Atmega32 LCD kit, i would first create it in a breadboard system ,before transferring it to PCB. Also I have a Jaycar (local electronics supplier) kit (AVR ISP serial programmer). Would it be possible for me to use that to program the Atmega32? (it says it can program atmega32).Also could you please provide me with the C+ code for the AVR compiler(is that code compatible with all Atmel Compilers?).
Also, is ot possible to use bigger character LCD for this project?
Also one last thing!, could you please put up the project of programming graphical LCD (bigger screen with colour graphics).
best regards
Syed Umer Rizvi
hey sir, my self Jaimin Shah.
nice article.... this post helped me a lot to learn how to make development kit... thank u very much for such good post.. am also looking forward to make this project can u help me ny sending me schematics, layouts and source code to my id if possible... it will be very helpful to me.. i will b very thankful to u... with regards jaimin shah
my id is jaldhara89@yahoo.co.in
I plan to make your board for a college project
I need the schematic , eagle files n pcb layout.
Could you please email it to me at
Hi guys, I've sent the files! Have a look at you inbox!
hi Dharmani
i will like to make your board
please send me the schematik and .pcb file and sample source code
my email is kdthummar@yahoo.com
kamlesh thummar
great job man.
i have already make board atmega16 with double layer pcb. My friend helped me to design the pcb, but have some problem that lcd not working and when I checked port B and Port D, have some problem that one of the header couldn't be control. I confused with the schematic that myfriend make. Could you sent me schematic and layout file for comparing with my mine.
my email: tghprsty@yahoo.com
Thanks Dharmani!
Hi, thats the nice work......
Could you please mail me the schematic of the development board and the usb programmer to me..
my e-mail id is er.aditya.chaudhary@gmail.com
Hi, thats the nice work......
Could you please mail me the schematic of the development board and the usb programmer to me..
and dod u have any idea that how can i make the atmega 16 development board.
and is there any difference between the two..
do mail me at
great job.
Hi, Great work!!!
Please mail me the PCB/Schematic etc. of the development board .
Hi, I enjoyed reading ur blog. I'm inspired and want to build one of my own.. I live in the US and am trying to find these parts.. Question: what kind of connector is that between the main pcb and the lcd.. (Obviously, I'm a newby, ha!) Thanks!
Larry larrylin25@yahoo.com
hey nice work pls send me the layout too
Hi Dharmani,
Thanks for providing your hard work for public interest. I am looking forward to build your ATMega32 Starter's Kit. I started the PCB design in Protues VSM and I can give you the file if you want to put another version of the PCB layout design.
I use Keil uvision as code development platform in C. The advantage is uvision works integrated with Protues VSM and I can see the result simulated.
Is there any way that you can provide me Keil c51 version of your C code. I am mainly a hardware guy - so it takes a lot of time for me to migrate and debug. If you can please send me the code to faithnic(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks again...
Dear Sir,
We are planning to make ids pcb at home.Please mail us the pcb/schematic diagrams at theinvincibleabh at gmail dot com
Dear Sir,
Pls tell us the exact specifications of the R9 Pot that you have used in the development board.
You can use a 3k9 or 4k7 pot for R9. It's provided for adjusting the contrast level of the LCD.
Hi Dharmani,
I made the system (by making PCB with Proteus) and also tested the system with a blink LED program written with AVR GCC (AVRStudio4). I made a parallel programmer (stk200) using Ponyprog to program. The LED blinks ok with ATMEGA32. Then I downloaded your M32 hex file. The LCD shows 'WELCOME' in the first line and the courser blinks in the 2nd line. In the PC I get "F9 2C 3C F1 84 60 79 69 AD 29 4A 29 4A 29 2A 29 A2 2A 5A 77 08 4A FA" when I reset the processor. It responds when I press 1, 2, 3.. etc but all seems garbage. I am using Realterm 19200, 8N1, None. The terminal shows framing error. Any clue?
Can you please send me the C source file in AVR GCC? That will really help.
Thanks again,
Nic Faith [faithnic(at)gmail(dot)com]
From Nic Again..another issue i forgot: It seems that DS1307 is not working. I do not see any trace of oscillation or 1Hz pulse at pin 7. Oscilloscope at the xtal pins do not show any oscillation too.
Nic Faith [faithnic(at)gmail(dot)com]
Hello Sir.that great job.i will try it.can you give me for schematic and pcb layout to bitsngp@gmail.com also i want to know weather it will also works for atmega16
thank you in advance
Thanks Dude,
You are the best!
Thumbs up and a standing ovation.
I am new to AVR controller. Previously i have worked on PIC using microc and i have used winpic800 for burning the code. If i want to use microC for AVR which programmer i need to use for burning the code. Plz give me some suggestions
there are lots of AVR programmers, USB, serial port or parallel port operated. If you search on net, you'll find plenty of info on them.
You can have a look at my following post to find some links to make an AVR programmer yourself:
I am going to use your circuit itself. I am going to use MikroC PRO for AVR. Can i burn the code with this compiler using ur circuit. And is there any need to burn bootloader before burning any code...
Could you please send me a schematic and board design in eagle format.
Thank you.
At the right side of this page we are having AVR Serial Programmer link. I have assembled the same circuit. Is there any need of lock bit and fuse bit setting for ATMega32 controller in ponyprog serial programmer. When i am using that programmer with the ciruit which i have assembled programming is burning in the controller but it is not executing...
So i am not getting whether my code is burning or not... I wrote a small led blinking sample code... The code is correct bcz i got that code along with the MikroC Pro Avr compiler.. Plz help me out its very urgent for me..
Thanks in Advance..
Kiranmai G
Hi Kiranmai,
when you buy a new atmega chip, it comes with default 1MHz internal oscillator enabled, you can straight away start using the chip without changing any fuse bits. But if you are using port pins which are multiplexed as JTAG pins, then you need to disable JTAG, as by default it is enabled, there you need to change fuse byte.
So, if you are connecting the LED on PORTC of mega32, it may not be working due to this. You can try non-jtag port pins, if you don't want to play with fuse.
Ponyprog displays message after the write & verification is successful, are you getting that message? If you are, then better check the connections again, as the code is proper as you say.
Dear sir,
We have made the ATMEGA32 board as per your design. We are getting the "WELCOME" message on the lcd after disabling jtag but we are not getting any values or message in hyper terminal after connecting it through serial port(RS232).
Please suggest some methods to sort out the problem.
for the RS232 communication, First of all, check that the hyper terminal is set at 19200 baud rate, no parity, flow control as 'none'.
Also, make sure that the controller is running at external 16MHz crystal (by default, it will be running at 1MHz, you need to change the fuse settings to change it).
Secondly, check the connections. In my schematic, I've used a male DB9 connector on the PCB. So, you need a RS232 cable with a female connector on both sides.
By chance, if you have soldered a female connector on PCB, replace it with the male connector and change the cable with both the sides female connector (one connector will go to PC and the other identical connector will connect to the PCB connector).
Dear sir,
thanks for ur help so far..i have a couple of atmega32 controllers which have been locked as a result of incorrect fuse settings...pls suggest some remedies to get dem workin again...
Hi Dharmani,
I am using pony prog serial programmer for programming my ATMEGA32 with 12MHz external crystal. Before it was working fine but suddenly when i am trying to burn the code i am getting error that "Device missing (or) unknown device". I have replace the controller with new one but same problem is occuring. Connection everything is right. Is there any problem with crystal...Please reply me ASAP...
Kiranmai G
To Abhishek:
Use the 'memory erase' command in your AVR programmer software. It will erase the memory and reset all the fuses to default setting.
To Kiranmai:
Check the connections of the serial programmer which you are using with ponyprog, that is usually main cause, if the connections on the AVR board are correct.
Hello Mr. Dharmani,
I have followed your advice and our avrs are workin again!!
However i have the follwing difficulties:
1)We are able to program only thru Ponyprog and ICCAVR is not detecting the board/cable..though ponyprog works fine...
2)when we dump d m32 hex code onto the avr,the sequnce of words in "welcome" come one after d other and go away.All the characters of welcome are displayed one after other very fast...and at end a BLINKING "!" (EXCLAMATION MARK) STAYS ON.
Please advice how to get over it.
Thanks for all your help.
Nice work Keep it up
I need the schematic so that i can make the board ASAP and start working
Can you please post it so that its useful for others as well
Hi Dharmani,
i have already posting regarding my AVR board which i am using. I am ponyprog2000. when i am selecting write program memory(FLASH) i am getting "Device missing or Unknown device" and at the time when i press "write program" PA0 to PA5 leds are blinking and after the error message they are OFF. After that PA0-7 leds are blinking in asynchornous way with some delay. How can i rectify my error. Please help me out..
Thanks in Advance...
i am from indonesia,
can you send me schematic real rtc ds 1307 with atmega 8535 and display lcd
Dear Dharmani!
This is ankit mutha, another robotics & embedded systems enthusiast. I wish to make a similar board as this one for my college robotics club. Though this board is complete in itself I wish to add some motor drivers and some debug leds.
It would be very generous of u if u could send me the schematics of this board. I would like to modify it and enhance it further and share my modifications to ur design.
you can mail the schematics to
mutha.ankit@gmail.com (my id) or
esrc.mbm@gmail.com (club's id).
oh and btw i have some experience in working with eagle.. have made a handful of custom boards myself. So if you have the schematics in eagle supportable format, please send that.
hi nice work...i like it very much n i want to try it now...can you sen me the pcblayout plz..sis.ccr@gmail.com
I am new to Atmega32, could you please send me pcb layout to print and related files for connecting a lcd,usb keyboard and external eeprom 24C64 .
thanks in advance.. i would be using codevision avr for programming atmega 32 via robokits usb programmer.
thanks a lot sir
Hi Mr. Dharmani,
Was bit busy in between.
I built your M32 kit and it seems functioning except:
1. LCD shows one line
2. The serial port sends garbage when RST. Term Emulator shows "Framing Error". This can only happen when there is a Ground problem, or noise or long cable or Baud Rate mismatch. I checked all, din't find any clue. I want to test with lower baud rate. Can you send me the source file?
Although I am not sure why I didn't get any reply from my earlier posts!!
Anyway thanks again,
Hi Nic,
sorry if I didn't reply you earlier! I'm sending you the source code right away!!
You can check if you have selected correct crystal (16MHz) as that can also cause baudrate mismatch.
You can test with another LCD, if you have, as sometimes the LCD has that kind of defect of displaying one line only.
Dear Mr. Dharmani,
thanks for all the ideas and support...The board is finally up and running perfectly...very useful for our robotics project
Hi, glad to know that!! Best wishes!
i need help am doing RFID security system using ATMEGA 32 and the sensor is coil..
i wrote the code but it didnt work so i need any circuit digram for the programing part contains mega 32, Max233 and Rs23 and i f know any software that i can simulate the this part..
ma mail: Sally.hassaan@hotmail.com
nice work!
In my project iam building an autonomous bot that would traverse in a field and take the parameters like soil temperature,images of crop etc.,
Iam planning to include serial camera module(which can be interfaced with Atmega32) and stores in sd/mmc card interface.
I need to know exactly how do you interface sd card with atmega 32 i.e., how do i transfer output from camera to the sd card and transfer those stored images on to my PC serially??
Can you also help me where can i get such cameras which would give a digital o/p so the interfacing with atmega32 can be done..
Hi Sally,
you can use Proteus VSM software tool which is extremely useful for debugging the AVR code on the actual schematic. Saves quite a lot of work of putting things together on real hardware.
You can search on net to find more info on it.
Hi Anudeep,
visit my post at the link given below for info on interfacing SD card with ATmega8/32:
nice to meet you...i need details of the layout and schematics as my project include intrfacing of atmega 32 with rtc.. please respond as soon as poible..........
Hi Aparna, I need some way to send you the files :) Either put up your mail id here or mail me on ccd@dharmanitech.com
Dear Sir,
I tried to work on RTC(DS1307) using your code as reference.But i need RTC to update time every after 1 sec and to be displayed on LCD. The RTC is updating time only at power-on reset & no further update on LCD is seen.Is it possible to read RTC after every 1sec Please guide me.
Waiting for your reply Thank you
HI, how much does your kit cost, and is it for making r/c motors?
I recommend this platform to all those who want to learn this microcontroller.
To Anonymous:
Regarding the RTC; you can use the RTC_routines given in this post. Call the RTC_read function at fixed interval. Display the RTC value every time you read it, it will automatically update. For example, call it every 200ms. Wehenever time changes even by a second, the display will update when you write to LCD next time.
To Stephen
Hi Dharmani,
You did a great work... My group just started working with Atmega32 for our project. We use your work as our reference..Can you please send me the schematic and pcb layout for this? Email: elssambo@yahoo.com
If i want to integrate this project to the SD card project, can I ask for the codes for SD using 16Mhz?
Hi Alberto,
you can use the SD card code available with 16MHz crystal also, without any change.
Good Work.
Slightly thicker traces on the PCB would be very nice.
Hi!i was looking for a development board to interface and program ATMEGA32 with LCD,KEYPAD ,AND SENSORS(motion,temperature,smoke sensors). I'm trying to learn this whole interfacing thing and your help will be greatly appreciated. can u please send me the PCB layout and schematic details to my email.
Hello Dhamani
Please mail the eagle files at
wish to make one for self
Thanks in advance
Manish jain
i am doing my project.
my project is voice control robotic car with atmal mega32
please provide sufficient information to do project
thanks in advance
my e-mail:latatest2050@gmail.com
Thanks a lot sir for sharing this project. It's very interesting and i'm building it now using ur schematic diagram.
well,i am new in this uC things and just learned only using codevision AVR. could u please send me the source code in codevision AVR? it will be very helpfull.
ops, forgot to include my email : fendy.chen.xyz@gmail.com
thank you this is great work
i want to ask you please i have ATmega32 for my project which converting a ps/2 keybord to a wireless one.. i did not buy STK500
so until now i have to burn the chip and program it using superpro when i want to download acode. and this realy not good.
when i see this page i understand that if i build the skematic and the download abootloder for the ATmega32 then i will can download the codes seriale .am i right ?
please send to me any thing will help me: boot loader code and hex file, any example to check on it using hyperterminal...
this is me email
i will be very greatful for any help.
thank you this is great work
i want to ask you please i have ATmega32 for my project which converting a ps/2 keybord to a wireless one.. i did not buy STK500
so until now i have to burn the chip and program it using superpro when i want to download acode. and this realy not good.
when i see this page i understand that if i build the skematic and the download abootloder for the ATmega32 then i will can download the codes seriale .am i right ?
please send to me any thing will help me: boot loader code and hex file, any example to check on it using hyperterminal...
this is me email
i will be very greatful for any help.
DS1307 for what you use it?
can i do not connect it?
Dear CC dharmani
I have download your source code in ADC & LCD open with AVR STUDIO but 16 error comming in your program please help me
Hi dharmani,
Firstly, I want to thank you for sharing your views and ideas its really very interesting to work on ..I want to try out this starter kit. can you please mail me schematic and PCB layout and some related documents to my mail id: knijil@gmail.com, and also can you please send me the source code
I'm very impatient to build this my first kit. Thank you very much for it.
Please can you send me files at
Its very helpful for me.
Thanks for nice post.
Kindly send me PCB and Schematic at
Thanks Again.
Dear Sir
I greatly appreciate your clean intentions of sharing knowledge which is the only key to keep learning.
Request you to kindly forward me the pcb layout , schematics and the complete related files for your M32 kit project to my mail id: nachibhav@gmail.com
Nachiket Kalantre
i want to interface SD card, but i had very little idea about sd card.please help .
email - shirse2@gmail.com
for more info on interfacing SD card with AVr, visit my following post. it contains schematic & source code:
can u please send me the schematic and other files required to make atmega32 starter kit
thank you
helo sir,
i really impressed with the details here ...specially for the starters....could you pls send me the schematic circuit(component list) for making AVR starter kit
if u help me i also need pcb layout for the starter kit schematic
my in : designaspirent@gmail.com
hi, this is mahesh from hyderabad.
i have done the circuit according to u'r schematic. i have dumped the hex file into controller . but i am not getting any display on both lcd and
by using a make file i dumped the code to controller. please help me..
Please tell me in what software you have made the schematic.
hi.. can you send me the files to doehand@yahoo.com
i want to learn and try it...
I use EAGLE from CADSoft for drawing schematics. It can be downloaded from this link: http://www.cadsoft.de/download.htm
Powerful thing! Just the one I've been looking for. Could you, please, mail the circuit diagram and pcb to ironwheal [at] gmail.com? I want to make one for myself.
Thanks in advance!
I see an error with the rs232 circuit: GND should connect to pin 5 instead of pin 1(DCD).
sorry for disturbance i just sea your work right now and its amazing and very good idea and symbol design and i wanna to build it by myself and i need your help in schematic and pcb
thanks for your ideas and good luck
mail: elham.abdalgabar@gmail.com
please i want to know how i can used internal RTC IN ATMEGA8535
Thanx in advance
Sir could you please mail me the schematics at jaspreet.guitar@gmail.com
I need them urgently for my project. Thanks! :)
i need some help for schematic and pcb layout to udomsak_3@msn.com thank you for all
It's wonderfull project..
I need pcb and schematic of for my final project, can you send me at noordeen.166@gmail.com
I am wondering when I am trying to build the code it ask me for #include and
where can I find them?
#include macros.h
#include iom32v.h
the 'macros.h' & 'iom32v.h' are ICCAVR compiler specific files. So, if you are using this compiler, no error will be displayed, every other compiler will display error for those files.
Use your compiler specific files. For example, if you are using avr-gcc (winAVR, AVR studio) then you can replace both those files with 'avr\io.h'.
You can go thru the compilers library help & find out which file you need to include.
Hi.. tis is simply nice... very good for beginners...i would although love to see a motor driver on board so that it could be used for robotics too.... it would be kind if you could help me with the schematics and relevant materials...
mail: thoughtsenkindled@hotmail.com
hi sir,
i am really impressed by your work. I need your help for my project. I use an Atmega32L Ucontroller and for programming i am using codevision avr c compiler software. can u please help me with codings of the color sensors( red,blue,yellow)need to sense colors and give commands to microcontroller. thanks you.
my email: premkamal235@gmail.com
Dear Dharmani,
Great work man, can you please send me the files to: julian160784@gmail.com
Thanks man!
Best Regards,
By the way do you have the code for winavr or avr studio?
could you please send me the files.
Great project!! please could you send me the .brd and .sch files to info [at] tomprice.net
i like this circit.i want to try out this starter kit. can you please mail me schematic and PCB layout and some related documents to my mail id::poonam.chaturvedi@evolute-sol.com
I guess you must also include the eagle project files in the OP.
Thanks for the tutorial though.
Great! Could I trouble you for the specs etc? I am at paul (at) teulu (dot) org
I require a complete in detailed ciruit diagram and layout and also the coding for ADC interfacing since i m a student and have just been introduced to this subject..
Thanking you in advance..
my id rajdawda07@gmail.com
Hi Dharmani,
this is awesome stuff,
could you please send me the sch file?
thanks very much,
best regards,
hello sir,
me too need the pcb files.
my email id is devanandiamin7@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
I want to build a starter kit for myself. I hope you will help me out with the schematic,the layout files and the program.
Thank You
could you send me the pcb files and schematics, pdf
very nice work
Great job! Thanks a lot for sharing!
Could you send me the files i'll need to assembly and use it at michalszymanski91@gmail.com
Thanks in advance!
Greetings from Poland
Hi Dharmani,
this is awesome stuff, could you please send me the schematic, the layout files and the program.
thanks very much,
best regards, Sergei
hi mr. dharmani and evryone
i want to interface a 20*4 lcd ,4*4 keypad with atmega 32.and i want to store inputs given by keypad to sd card with time and date so pls help me for that this is very imp for my semester project.........
c c dharmani sir u r genius
You r doing a great job. Can you send me the schematics, pcb files and the list of components on anand_jha_30@yahoo.co.in
hi dharmani sir,
i m making a project with atmega 32.
Cn u pls mail me schematic and pcb layout.
Also mail me steps that how can i burn my program in the microcontroler.
my email address is
hii...Wonderful work .i need schematic and pcb design files...m trying 2 make my final year project....so plz send it to my id dynamiterahul@gmail.com
Hi - great project, can you please send the Eagle files to me - brentdbell@gmail.com - thanks in advance!
hey, awesome work!!
Can you please mail me the schematic and the board files to my id: anuradhag.1990@gmail.com
Thanks a ton in advance!
awesome work!
Can you please mail me the schematic and board files for the layout at: anuradhag.1990@gmail.com
Thanks a ton in advance!
i need some help for schematic and pcb layout..Can u Please E-mail it to me sir?
E-mail at "aniwood123@gmail.com"
Thank You,
I have checked from your website that atmega32 starterkit have also data logger for microsd.
I would like to know whether this modul supported with DT AVR Low Cost Micro system(ATMEGA8535).
And could you send me schematic and source code for atmega8535 for sd card?
And how much does this modul cost? Please send me some information to my email iqbalhabibie@gmail.com
Hi. This project is fantastic. I dont suppose you could write a parts list could you. I am going to try and build this and use it as a development board to learn bout avr's.
Also would it be straight forward to swap the chip for an avr mega1284?
this is rekha. can we interface mpx4115a with atmega32 microcontroller.. is it working perfectly? or else any other micro controller that can be used?
Well, mpx4115a has voltage output proportional to the pressure, so any microcontroller having ADC would be fine for this job, and since ATmega32 has in-built ADC, it can be used here (and if you use external ADC chip, then, any microcontroller in the world can do the job).
Hi dharmani sir,
i want to make a project in which i have to use mega 32 for connection of temperature and megnetic switch sensor to it.
i want the output on lcd and loudspeakar.
please send me circuit diagram idea to complete it.
ey man thats great.. i do need some assistance regarding the lcd... I;m trying to drive one myself (a QP5515 from jaycar) with an atmega32. all connection seem to be alrite as when i power up the controller just the first row of the display appears to be on but when I program it (using most of the code u posted) both rows goe totally on and there is no sign of what im trying to display... I would appreciate if u could give me a hand with this.. thanks mate
Check out the LCD contrast pot, as this is the single most reason for such a behavior. You can set the contrast pot to around 2k resistor for safer side. Once something is visible, you can adjust the pot for getting best contrast.
hello sir,
sir if u can mail me the proteus schematic file of the atmega 32 board, i'll be really thankfull to u.... my id is samkit_jain89@yahoo.com
thanks is advance sir.
Hello, can the LCD be programmable at pixel level? Want to do a snake game on it.
thank you.
Please mail me the PCB/Schematic etc. of the development board
when compiling it with ImageCraft AVR 7 i'm having the following error
!ERROR file 'ADC_routines.o': undefined symbol 'fpint'
!ERROR file 'ADC_routines.o': undefined symbol 'fpcmp2'
and so on for multiple .o files
these files exist at runtime but for an unknown reason the compiler fails to find them
Please mail me the PCB/Schematic etc. of the development board to
@CC Dharmani
I just got one doubt. What's the dif b/w ISP and RS 232 port?
If RS232 is for serial communication ,then why is ISP needed!!
Hi Mr Dharmani,
May I have the code for macros.h? Thanks very much for your work!
I am new to the world of AVR Microcomputer programming. I like your project very much and would like to build one of my own. I have downloaded your code and a copy of ImageCraft, Release 8.05 rev 02, but I am having a problem building the project using this tool. I am getting the following error and warning messages. Any help you can give me to resolve these issues would be greatly appreciated.
-------------- Build: default in M32_Demo_Board_Test (compiler: ImageCraft AVR Compiler)---------------
iccavr.exe -c -e -DATMega32 -l -A -g -MLongJump -MHasMul -MEnhanced -D__BUILD=2 -D__ICC_VERSION=80502 -IC:\iccv8avr\include "C:\Users\jwbanger\Documents\My AVR Projects\Atmega32 Demo Board\M32 Demo Board Test 05272012\M32 Demo Board Test\main.c" -o .objs\main.o
!W C:\Users\jwbanger\Documents\My AVR Projects\Atmega32 Demo Board\M32 Demo Board Test 05272012\M32 Demo Board Test\main.c(89):[warning] [MISRA 2712]old-style function definition for `checkKeys'
!W C:\Users\jwbanger\Documents\My AVR Projects\Atmega32 Demo Board\M32 Demo Board Test 05272012\M32 Demo Board Test\main.c(135):[warning] [MISRA 2712]old-style function definition for `checkLED'
iccavr.exe -LC:\iccv8avr\lib -o "..\M32 Demo Board Test\M32_Demo_Board_Test" .objs\main.o -g -e:0x8000 -ucrtatmega.o -bfunc_lit:0x54.0x8000 -dram_end:0x85f -bdata:0x60.0x85f -dhwstk_size:20 -beeprom:0.1024 -fihx_coff -S2 -nb:2 -lcatmega
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_RTC_displayDate'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_RTC_displayTime'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_LCD_WriteCommand'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_receiveByte'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_transmitString_F'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_ADC_transmitValue'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_ADC_init'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_LCD_init'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_transmitByte'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_i2c_stop'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_LCD_DisplayString_F'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_RTC_updateDate'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_delay_ms'
!ERROR {linker} file 'main.o': undefined symbol '_RTC_updateTime'
{linker} Too many errors, exiting...
Built with ICCAVR DEMO V8.05.02
DEMO expires in 45 days
Please purchase a license at http://www.imagecraft.com
Code size limited to 64K bytes
iccavr.exe: 'C:\iccv8avr\bin\ilinkavr.exe' returns error code -1
Process terminated with status -1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
14 errors, 2 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
If anyone is searching for the copper pcb plates they r found at ritchie street at universal electronics..
Thanks for such an informative article and the extensive explanation, it's been very useful.
great job sir...!
i want to design this wonderful stuff virtually first....please recommend a software for that.... i tried it in multisim
I didn't find ATMEGA32 in multisim....
Hi Arif,
try Proteus ISIS, it's got most of the AVR controllers.
Great Thanks for your open source helpfull activity...
I agree with your thought.Thank you for your sharing your great experience and knowledge here with us.pcb assembly
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